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Christine Kutnick, CFRE


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Kutnick, CFRE
Christine is currently serving as our chapter's At large Director on ICF Austin Board of Directors.

She spent her “Chapter 1” serving her purpose of helping people achieve their best self as a non-profit professional. She has addressed education and healthcare inequality and was the ED for an organization that stood up against all biases and bigotry.

Fundraising was a significant part of the job. After 25 years of starting every year with a $0 bottom line, she decided it was time to get off the hamster wheel and try something new.

In 2021, she and her spouse decided to quit their jobs and travel for 6 months in order to figure out what their “chapter 2” looked like. They had explored many ideas over the previous year before their big trip, and many friends recommended using her talents of being curious and her love of helping people achieve big goals. She ignored their suggestions and continued searching.

After 4.5 months of traveling, Christine’s life stopped when she fell and was bed-bound for 3 months. Many new signs pointed to coaching. After 2 months of being laid up, she finally looked at this new career. She decided that this was how she wanted to continue her purpose.

Christine coaches people dealing with FOMO and are worried that they will get to the pearly gates and be embarrassed because they did not live their full potential.

Her joyriders embrace change and land solidly during transitions so that they feel joy and inner peace.
Coaching Specialty
  • Personal/Life
  • Personal/Professional
  • Transitions
  • Work-Life Balance
Coaching Methods
  • Via Phone/audio-only connection
  • Via video connection
  • In-person Greater Austin Area
Years Coaching
2-3 Years
Coach-specific training
Have you graduated?

Coach-specific credentials

ICF Global Member
ICF Credential

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