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We are excited to announce a new pro bono coaching opportunity in partnership with the Texas Nurses Association (TNA). We need 7-8 executive and/or leadership coaches to participate in a 6-month engagement, beginning in March.
TNA is a statewide membership-based volunteer professional association whose members represent all segments oof nursing practice — bedside to administration, consulting to advanced practice, and education to legislation — and all practice settings, including hospital, home and community health, public health, higher education, long-term care, school health and policy. Founded in 1907, TNA is the most inclusive nursing association in Texas and the largest state nursing association in the country.
What We Need:
● 7-8 executive and leadership ICF-certified coaches
● Commitment to provide 6 one-hour pro-bono coaching sessions to be conducted between March 1 – September 30, 2025.
What You'll Gain:
● A rewarding experience making positive social impact
● Networking opportunities with fellow coaches and GEN professionals
● Fulfillment from contributing to a noble cause
● A letter of certification for pro-bono coaching hours by ICF Austin’
Your Commitment:
Volunteer Requirements:
To apply for this opportunity, click here: TNA Event Registration
The deadline for volunteering is February 10, 2025.
We look forward to your participation in supporting our amazing community partner! Please reach out to if you have any questions.
Best regards,
Your ICF Austin Community Outreach Team
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